Culture and Leisure Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Thursday 30 November 2023, 10:00am - South Kesteven District Council Webcasting

Culture and Leisure Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Thursday, 30th November 2023 at 10:00am 









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  1. Cllr Paul Fellows
  2. Democratic Services Officer
  3. Cllr Paul Fellows
  4. Democratic Services Officer
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  1. Cllr Paul Fellows
  2. Cllr Paul Fellows
  3. Cllr James Denniston
  4. Cllr Paul Fellows
  5. Debbie Roberts
  6. Cllr Paul Fellows
  7. Cllr Paul Fellows
  8. Cllr Gareth Knight
  9. Karen Whitfield
  10. Cllr Paul Fellows
  11. Cllr Gareth Knight
  12. Cllr Paul Fellows
  13. Nicola McCoy-Brown
  14. Cllr Gareth Knight
  15. Cllr Paul Fellows
  16. Cllr Paul Fellows
  17. Cllr Paul Fellows
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  1. Cllr Paul Fellows
  2. Cllr Paul Fellows
  3. Cllr Paul Fellows
  4. Cllr Paul Fellows
  5. Cllr Gareth Knight
  6. Cllr Paul Fellows
  7. Cllr Paul Fellows
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  1. Deputy Leader of the Council
  2. Cllr Paul Fellows
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  1. Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure
  2. Cllr Harrish Bisnauthsing
  3. Graham Watts
  4. Cllr Paul Fellows
  5. Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure
  6. Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure
  7. Cllr Paul Fellows
  8. Cllr Chris Noon
  9. Cllr Paul Fellows
  10. Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure
  11. Cllr Paul Fellows
  12. Cllr Susan Sandall
  13. Cllr Paul Fellows
  14. Cllr Virginia Moran
  15. Cllr Paul Fellows
  16. Cllr Gareth Knight
  17. Cllr Paul Fellows
  18. Cllr Paul Fellows
  19. Cllr Paul Fellows
  20. Cllr Paul Fellows
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  1. Deputy Leader of the Council
  2. Cllr Paul Fellows
  3. Leader of the Council
  4. Cllr Paul Fellows
  5. Cllr Harrish Bisnauthsing
  6. Cllr Paul Fellows
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  1. Cllr Paul Fellows
  2. Cllr Paul Fellows
  3. Deputy Leader of the Council
  4. Graham Watts
  5. Cllr Paul Fellows
  6. Nicola McCoy-Brown
  7. Cllr Virginia Moran
  8. Cllr Paul Fellows
  9. Cllr Gareth Knight
  10. Cllr Paul Fellows
  11. Nicola McCoy-Brown
  12. Karen Whitfield
  13. Cllr Gareth Knight
  14. Cllr Paul Fellows
  15. Cllr Harrish Bisnauthsing
  16. Cllr Paul Fellows
  17. Cllr Paul Fellows
  18. Karen Whitfield
  19. Cllr Harrish Bisnauthsing
  20. Cllr Paul Fellows
  21. Deputy Leader of the Council
  22. Karen Whitfield
  23. Cllr Harrish Bisnauthsing
  24. Karen Whitfield
  25. Deputy Leader of the Council
  26. Cllr Paul Fellows
  27. Deputy Leader of the Council
  28. Cllr Paul Fellows
  29. Cllr Paul Fellows
  30. Nicola McCoy-Brown
  31. Deputy Leader of the Council
  32. Cllr Paul Fellows
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  1. Cllr Chris Noon
  2. Cllr Gareth Knight
  3. Cllr Paul Fellows
  4. Cllr Virginia Moran
  5. Nicola McCoy-Brown
  6. Cllr Paul Fellows
  7. Cllr Virginia Moran
  8. Cllr Paul Fellows
  9. Graham Watts
  10. Cllr Paul Fellows
  11. Cllr Paul Fellows
  12. Cllr Paul Fellows
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  1. Cllr Paul Fellows
  2. Debbie Roberts
  3. Cllr Paul Fellows
  4. Cllr Harrish Bisnauthsing
  5. Debbie Roberts
  6. Cllr Paul Fellows
  7. Cllr Harrish Bisnauthsing
  8. Debbie Roberts
  9. Cllr Paul Fellows
  10. Cllr Susan Sandall
  11. Cllr Paul Fellows
  12. Cllr Harrish Bisnauthsing
Share this agenda point
  1. Cllr Paul Fellows
  2. Deputy Leader of the Council
  3. Cllr Paul Fellows
  4. Cllr Virginia Moran
  5. Cllr Paul Fellows
  6. Nicola McCoy-Brown
  7. Cllr Gareth Knight
  8. Cllr Paul Fellows
  9. Cllr Paul Fellows
  10. Cllr Matt Bailey
  11. Cllr Paul Fellows
  12. Deputy Leader of the Council
  13. Cllr Paul Fellows
  14. Cllr Virginia Moran
  15. Cllr Paul Fellows
  16. Cllr Paul Martin
  17. Cllr Paul Fellows
  18. Cllr Paul Fellows
  19. Cllr Gareth Knight
  20. Cllr Paul Fellows
  21. Cllr Paul Martin
  22. Nicola McCoy-Brown
  23. Cllr Paul Fellows
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  1. Cllr Paul Fellows
  2. Leader of the Council
  3. Cllr Paul Fellows
  4. Cllr Chris Noon
  5. Leader of the Council
  6. Claire Saunders
  7. Cllr Paul Fellows
  8. Cllr Virginia Moran
  9. Claire Saunders
  10. Cllr Paul Fellows
  11. Cllr Matt Bailey
  12. Cllr Paul Fellows
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  1. Cllr Paul Fellows
  2. Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure
  3. Cllr Paul Fellows
  4. Cllr Virginia Moran
  5. Cllr Paul Fellows
  6. Karen Whitfield
  7. Cllr Paul Fellows
  8. Cllr Gareth Knight
  9. Cllr Paul Fellows
  10. Deputy Leader of the Council
  11. Cllr Paul Fellows
  12. Cllr Matt Bailey
  13. Karen Whitfield
  14. Cllr Paul Fellows
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  1. Cllr Paul Fellows
  2. Debbie Roberts
  3. Cllr Paul Fellows
  4. Cllr Gareth Knight
  5. Cllr Paul Fellows
  6. Cllr Paul Fellows
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  1. Webcast Finished