Culture and Leisure Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Thursday 28 November 2024, 10:00am - South Kesteven District Council Webcasting
Culture and Leisure Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Thursday, 28th November 2024 at 10:00am
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Agenda item :
1 Public Speaking
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Chairman Murray Turner
Amy Pryde
Chairman Murray Turner
Amy Pryde
Chairman Murray Turner
Chairman Murray Turner
Cllr Gareth Knight
Chairman Murray Turner
Chairman Murray Turner
Chairman Murray Turner
Chairman Murray Turner
Chairman Murray Turner
Agenda item :
2 Apologies for absence
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Debbie Roberts
Agenda item :
3 Disclosure of Interests
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Agenda item :
4 Minutes from the meetings held on 3 September 2024
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Agenda item :
5 Updates from the previous meeting
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Agenda item :
6 Announcements or updates from the Leader of the Council, Cabinet Members or the Head of Paid Service
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Chairman Murray Turner
Chairman Murray Turner
Agenda item :
7 Cultural Strategy 6 monthly Update
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Cllr Paul Stokes
Chairman Murray Turner
Chairman Murray Turner
Cllr Paul Martin
Jade Porter
Chairman Murray Turner
Chairman Murray Turner
Chairman Murray Turner
Cllr Paul Martin
Cllr Paul Stokes
Cllr Paul Martin
Chairman Murray Turner
Cllr Emma Baker
Jade Porter
Chairman Murray Turner
Cllr Ashley Baxter
Chairman Murray Turner
Cllr Phillip Knowles
Chairman Murray Turner
Cllr Gareth Knight
Chairman Murray Turner
Chairman Murray Turner
Cllr Tim Harrison
Chairman Murray Turner
Cllr Paul Martin
Chairman Murray Turner
Agenda item :
8 Corporate Plan 2024-27 Key Performance Indicators: 2024/25 Mid-Year (Q2) Report
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Cllr Phillip Knowles
Chairman Murray Turner
Chairman Murray Turner
Chairman Murray Turner
Chairman Murray Turner
Cllr Emma Baker
Chairman Murray Turner
Charles James
Chairman Murray Turner
Chairman Murray Turner
Agenda item :
9 Performance of Leisure SK Ltd
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Chairman Murray Turner
Debbie Roberts
Chairman Murray Turner
Chairman Murray Turner
James Welbourn
Chairman Murray Turner
James Welbourn
Chairman Murray Turner
Chairman Murray Turner
Chairman Murray Turner
Cllr Gareth Knight
Chairman Murray Turner
Leisure SK Ltd
Chairman Murray Turner
Cllr Matt Bailey
Chairman Murray Turner
Chairman Murray Turner
Chairman Murray Turner
Karen Whitfield
Cllr Matt Bailey
Chairman Murray Turner
Leisure SK Ltd
Chairman Murray Turner
Chairman Murray Turner
Karen Whitfield
Chairman Murray Turner
Cllr Paul Martin
Leisure SK Ltd
Leisure SK Ltd
Chairman Murray Turner
Chairman Murray Turner
Chairman Murray Turner
Debbie Roberts
Leisure SK Ltd
Chairman Murray Turner
Chairman Murray Turner
Richard Wyles
Chairman Murray Turner
Chairman Murray Turner
Leisure SK Ltd
Chairman Murray Turner
Chairman Murray Turner
Cllr Matt Bailey
Chairman Murray Turner
Cllr James Denniston
Chairman Murray Turner
Graham Watts
Chairman Murray Turner
Chairman Murray Turner
Debbie Roberts
Chairman Murray Turner
Chairman Murray Turner
Chairman Murray Turner
Cllr Paul Martin
Leisure SK Ltd
Chairman Murray Turner
Cllr Paul Stokes
Chairman Murray Turner
Cllr Gareth Knight
Chairman Murray Turner
Richard Wyles
Chairman Murray Turner
Debbie Roberts
Chairman Murray Turner
Cllr Matt Bailey
Chairman Murray Turner
Richard Wyles
Chairman Murray Turner
Chairman Murray Turner
Cllr Phillip Knowles
Chairman Murray Turner
Richard Wyles
Chairman Murray Turner
Cllr Paul Martin
Chairman Murray Turner
Debbie Roberts
Chairman Murray Turner
Cllr Gareth Knight
Chairman Murray Turner
Karen Whitfield
Chairman Murray Turner
Karen Whitfield
Richard Wyles
Chairman Murray Turner
Chairman Murray Turner
Chairman Murray Turner
James Welbourn
Chairman Murray Turner
Chairman Murray Turner
Chairman Murray Turner
Agenda item :
9 Performance of Leisure SK Ltd
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Chairman Murray Turner
James Welbourn
Chairman Murray Turner
Chairman Murray Turner
Chairman Murray Turner
Chairman Murray Turner
Chairman Murray Turner
Agenda item :
10 Work Programme 2024 - 25
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Chairman Murray Turner
Chairman Murray Turner
Chairman Murray Turner
Chairman Murray Turner
Chairman Murray Turner
Cllr Matt Bailey
Chairman Murray Turner
Cllr Paul Stokes
Cllr Ashley Baxter
Chairman Murray Turner
Chairman Murray Turner
Chairman Murray Turner
Cllr Paul Stokes
Chairman Murray Turner
Cllr Ashley Baxter
Chairman Murray Turner
Cllr Gareth Knight
Chairman Murray Turner
Chairman Murray Turner
Chairman Murray Turner
Cllr Ashley Baxter
Chairman Murray Turner
Karen Whitfield
Cllr Gareth Knight
Chairman Murray Turner
Chairman Murray Turner
Chairman Murray Turner
Cllr Vice-Chairman Barry Dobson
Karen Whitfield
Chairman Murray Turner
Webcast Finished
Disclaimer: This transcript may contain errors. Please view the webcast to confirm whether the content is accurate.
1 Public Speaking
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:00:06
Good morning. Welcome to the Culture and Leisure Overview and Scrutiny Committee. I'm CouncillorMurray Turner and I'll be chairing the meeting today with my Vice -Chairman, Councillor Barry
Dobson, sat to my left, and to my right is Democratic Services Officer Amy Pride. Can
I remind members that the meeting is being recorded and can also be watched as a live
stream or later via the SKDC webcast. It would be appreciated if all mobile phones could
be switched to silent. There is no scheduled fire drill today so we hear the alarm. Please
make your way to the nearest exit to the assembly point on the green at the front of the building
and if you wish to ask a question or make a comment please can I request that you indicate
by raising your hand. Also just to clarify we won't be using the electronic voting system
today it's all going to be by a show of hands. Thank you. Straight into the agenda then item
one Amy do we have any public speakers today? Thank you chairman we haven't got any public
speakers today. And sorry Amy again do we have any apologies for
Amy Pryde - 0:01:18
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:01:18
absence? Thank youAmy Pryde - 0:01:20
I believe all committee members are present. Thank you.Chairman Murray Turner - 0:01:30
Are there any members who have an interest to declare? You can declare an interest atChairman Murray Turner - 0:01:42
any time during the meeting. So we've got some minutes to approve from the last meeting.And subsequent to that, we've had an email from Councillor Knight suggesting a one paragraph
Would you still like us to change that, Councillor?
Yes, but I can't actually find it in the minutes at the moment.
Cllr Gareth Knight - 0:02:04
Yes, I think it might even be in the restricted minutes and I don't really want to force usinto closed session.
but are we, can we take it that we approve the minutes as they stand, but we'll incorporate
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:02:17
your, because I thought it was fine and it's to do with Leisure SK, so it's just clarifyingan issue from the last minutes, but thanks very much for your submission.
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:02:30
So post the meeting, Amy's going to send that out to all the committee once those minutesother than that though can I have a proposer to accept the minutes from the last meeting
thank you Councillor Bailey and seconder please. Thank you all those in favour and all those
against and all those abstaining because they unfortunately weren't here last time thank
Thank you Councillor Baker.
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:03:09
Are there any updates from the previous meeting?I've got to note that all actions were completed.
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:03:18
are there any announcements or updates from the leader of the council cabinet membersor the head of paid service please
Councillor Stokes
2 Apologies for absence
3 Disclosure of Interests
4 Minutes from the meetings held on 3 September 2024
5 Updates from the previous meeting
6 Announcements or updates from the Leader of the Council, Cabinet Members or the Head of Paid Service
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:03:34
Debbie Roberts - 0:03:37
yeah I think just one or two first of all I think on behalf of all of us we'd liketo offer our commiserations to the good people of Stamford who their Christmas light event
was cancelled last week and obviously the traders and those that were doing the event
put an awful lot of effort into that so it's a great shame that that was lost. On the positive
side this week we've got the Grantham and Peeping lights turned on to two good events
and the Bourne event is next Saturday.
We also have a Beeden Park opening on Saturday this week
at 10 o 'clock, so that's a good project,
health and wellbeing, benefits, et cetera.
And the good news is that things are starting to develop
on Dyce Art Park in terms of the UKSPF
and donation from Grantham Rotary.
And the plans are now drawn up
and hopefully they'll be out to tender
and the scheme will develop very quickly.
So I think that's really positive news.
And the Stanford Panto, on the 19th of December,
invites have been sent to all of the committee.
Hopefully, well I know that some have returned,
but if anybody would like to add their names to the list,
please do so pretty quickly,
because that time is running out.
Thank you.
Thank you Councillor Stokes.
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:05:11
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:05:15
Right let's move on to item 7 the cultural strategy six monthly update and this being7 Cultural Strategy 6 monthly Update
presented by Councillor Stokes assisted by officer Jake Porter.
Thank you.
Thank you Chairman.
Cllr Paul Stokes - 0:05:30
This report provides a second six monthly update on the implementation of South -Kesseven'sculture of strategy, 23 to 26. I think it's really good that we're having a good look
at the arts today. We've been talking about getting this before us and I think it's a
great thing that we're doing. Since its adoption in July 23, significant progress has been
made toward delivering the strategy's objectives guided by key performance indicators. The
success of the Pay It Forward scheme. I think this is a fantastic scheme within the community.
It's raised over £6900 to expand access to cultural experience for residents facing barriers
to participation and I think it's absolutely wonderful. It also provides updates on impactful
outreach efforts such as the rural touring scheme and it's one to get music in quiet
places and it's really superb that our rural communities are able to enjoy the arts as
Innovative public art projects funded by UKSPF grants.
Additionally, the report outlines the significant steps taken to enhance marketing, improve
accessibility and ensure the effective use of cultural venues alongside exciting new
developments such as in -house pantomime at the Stanford Arts Centre and repairs and upgrades
to facilities. This update reflects the Council's commitment to fostering a thriving, inclusive
cultural landscape across the district, ensuring value for money and enriching the quality
of life for all of our residents. The recommendations before the Committee is to note the information
provided, offer suggestions on any additional information required for future updates in
relation to the implementation of this strategy. If there's any questions obviously we're happy
to take those on board. Thank you.
Do we have any questions please committee?
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:07:37
Councillor Martin.Chairman Murray Turner - 0:07:41
Cllr Paul Martin - 0:07:45
Hi there, morning. Just a quick one. How much of the £6 ,900 that's been raised has beenspent.
Jade Porter - 0:07:56
I can double check and give you the exact figure,but it is sort of a constant rolling thing
once we get the next lot of money in,
then we look to fund an activity.
So we wait until the money's there, until it is spent.
But I can give you an exact figure.
No, no, no.
It's being used regularly.
Thank you.
Any further questions?
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:08:22
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:08:38
Is there anything else that you feel we should add to this strategy?Because this is six months since we last reviewed.
Seems to be doing well. It's good to talk about the arts, we don't talk about it much.
Any thoughts? Councillor Martin again.
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:08:54
Cllr Paul Martin - 0:08:56
Yeah, I'm just happy to throw something in the conversation.The Gravity Fields Festival from years ago was obviously really popular and went down incredibly well.
Is there any way we can sort of pinch part of the name of that and just roll out a gravity fields lecture or something like that
and just try and keep it rolling as a,
if you have some sort of event which just says
there's a small section of that we're using,
but later on, at some point in the future,
it will come back, you know what I mean?
Cllr Paul Stokes - 0:09:28
Yes, there is a way, Councillor Martin.There are several significant events forthcoming.
Newton's birthday, King's School is,
I think it's 850 years or something.
There's various celebrations forthcoming
and then there's Newton's birthday as well.
So there are some possibilities that we could look at.
Clearly the gravity fields in the extent that it was at,
incredibly expensive, massive arts council grants
which are not available now.
But we are looking into some potential opportunities
that might be able to take elements of that.
and yes I share that ambition that ultimately we could reincarnate Gravity Fields in some
form or other but definitely not to the scale it was before I would say.
Cllr Paul Martin - 0:10:23
Yes of course Councillor Martin.It was just things like having the equipment sort of like a Gravity Fields Christmas lecture
or something we get some scientists in every year and just do an annual tick over.
Something of real interest, it's not going to cost a lot, it's not going to shut the
town and that kind of thing. I think that would be absolutely fantastic.
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:10:44
Thanks, Councillor Baxter. Councillor Baker, hand up first please.Cllr Emma Baker - 0:10:49
Hiya, I just wondered, as I talk about a pop -up cinema, and I wondered whether we'd sort ofthought about using like Bourne Corn Exchange and stuff for pop -up cinemas as well because,
you know, for the young people of Bourne, they've either got to travel into Grantham,
which is almost impossible via public transport,
or going to Peterborough.
So I just wonder whether we have the facility
to do that more regularly for our young people.
Thank you.
Hi, thank you.
Obviously, we've got, it's something
Jade Porter - 0:11:18
that I have thought about before.And obviously, we have a lot of regular booking.
So it's how we'd fit them in.
We do have a projector at Bourn.
We do have a screen at Bourn.
And yeah, it's something we can definitely look into and figure
out the cost and the licensing and stuff.
So we can look into it.
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:11:37
Cllr Ashley Baxter - 0:11:41
Councillor Baxter. Thank you. Two points, one on Councillor Martin'spoint and one on Councillor Baker's point. On Councillor Baker's point, I was going to
say that there's also a screen in the Leapings which is owned by the community and available
to the community. I'm sure that if it needed to go any further, then it could be transported
if it's in the back of the car. But if Bourne's already got a screen, then that's great.
It's not the screen that's the problem, it's the licensing and the production rights and
the box office and the turning up for it and everything else.
It's not the bureaucracy, it's not even the volunteer time, it's the bureaucracy of booking
a film and getting the rights to it and so on.
It's the movie industry, that's what we're standing up against.
On Councillor Martin's point, I could send a suggestion to the museum.
About a year ago, just over a year ago, I'd called it a free -thinking festival,
that it could equally be some sort of gravity... the name's not important.
Ann said we could have a series of lectures in which we could celebrate the legacy of Edith Smith
by having a lecture about law and order.
We could celebrate the legacy of...
Mark, Mark.
What, no, come on, I can't say it.
We could talk about politics,
given the town's association
with the world's first female prime minister.
We could celebrate the legacy of Isaac Newton
by getting someone in to talk about science,
and we could get someone in to do stunt comedy,
to celebrate the legacy of Norman Wisdon, not Norman Wisdon, Nicholas Parsons, Nicholas Parsons of Grantham.
So there's four, you could repeat them every year on a cycle. The museum at the time didn't quite get it over the line,
but if that was something the committee thought was useful, then I'm sure that we could add some resources to do it.
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:13:46
Thank you, Councillor Baxter.Councillor Knowles.
Yes, thank you, Chair.
Cllr Phillip Knowles - 0:13:55
While we're on the subject, next year is a very special anniversary for Charles Worth,who was the leading couturier in Paris a few hundred years ago.
He was born in Bourne and the building will be celebrating some sort of anniversary and
perhaps the district should get involved in that celebration as well during the course
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:14:22
of next year. Thank you Councillor Moles. Councillor Knight. Thanks, just to back upCllr Gareth Knight - 0:14:26
what Councillor Baxter said, I've often looked at different towns that do these differentfestivals, particularly over the summer, book festivals, arts festivals, sports festivals,
political festivals, whatever it may be. I do think that we are quite well positioned
geographically to do that type of thing and I think it would be a good thing for us to
do in the future. I think in terms of the strategy though, it reminds me a little bit
the sports strategy where a whole presentation's given,
the committee largely sits here in silence.
And I think a lot of that is because I think that the sports
and arts strategies are very, very strong.
And I think that it's something that the council has
historically done very well, continues to do very well.
And I think that's the reason why you don't tend to get
much feedback on those two strategies.
And I think that it's all credit to you and the team
for the work that you put in.
Thank you, Councillor Knight.
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:15:17
Before we move off this unless I'm, well I'd just like to say thank you CouncillorHarrison, come to you in a sec. If we could move the touring cinema to Toller Ward somewhere
that'd be great and we'd have to go to Aydleby to the church there for our nearest cinema.
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:15:36
Councillor Harrison. Thank you chair, just if the committee couldCllr Tim Harrison - 0:15:39
note this and maybe push this forward. The development that we're doing at the bottomSwinegate the flats there I've had a lot of interest in it we have a local
historian in Grantham Malcolm Knapp who preserved a lot of our history sadly
gone and we've got really no nod towards him and I have raised this as a question
whether we could name those buildings the Malcolm Knapp flats or whatever we
want to do just some nod towards Malcolm Knapp he did used to walk through that
way most days to collect his paper as well which would be quite a fitting tribute I think
and a nod towards the culture. Thank you.
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:16:23
Thank you Councillor Harrison. Councillor Martin.Councillor Martin. Just a quick one. Next October is Margaret
Cllr Paul Martin - 0:16:30
Thatcher's 100th birthday so obviously some kind of political lecture or something organisedaround that might be a good topical thing nationally.
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:16:55
Thank you very much for all your feedback on the corporate plan, sorry, cultural strategy.8 Corporate Plan 2024-27 Key Performance Indicators: 2024/25 Mid-Year (Q2) Report
Let's move on to Item 8 on the agenda, which is the corporate plan 24 to 27 key performance
Yes, thank you, Chair.
Cllr Phillip Knowles - 0:17:21
As you are all aware, last March we agreed a new corporate plan for SKDC to take us throughto 2027.
Subsequently, this committee agreed a series of KPIs
that they would look at and make sure were on track.
And this announcement is the first periodic report.
And it reports for quarter two of 24 -25.
And the performance is measured only
on those items that are measured are presented at this meeting and there are eight actions
involved. All actions are rated green overall. There are therefore no actions which are rated
amber or red. At the end of this committee round, and this will go on for the next couple
of weeks, the round of KPIs at all the various scrutiny meetings, at the end of this committee
around all reports will be uploaded to the performance reporting page of the website
in the new KPI Power BI dashboard, which I had my first lesson at very, very briefly
yesterday but that will come along in the new year.
An all member briefing on the dashboard and the Council's wider efforts to enhance transparency
is planned for the new year as well.
Any details in the numbers, Charles James is here to advise on those should it be necessary.
Thank you very much indeed.
Sorry, could I just ask when that's produced, will it be available remotely as well or will it be filmed and then presented in case some members can't come to the actual?
The problems are face to face.
Thank you.
Sorry, Councillor Knowles, could you switch your microphone off?
Did you want to speak, Debbie?
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:19:40
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:19:46
Okay, are there any questions on the KPIs? Very good that they're all green.Chairman Murray Turner - 0:19:52
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:19:57
Councillor Baker. Yeah, sorry, there is one that says belowCllr Emma Baker - 0:20:00
target on page 76. So I just have to question all green. So it says at the bottom of pageIt says economic impact and then it says below target.
So I just want to question that please.
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:20:20
Yes, thank you, thank you, Chair.Charles James - 0:20:25
Yes, so to explain that one there, the way we've assessed the targets overall is taking them as a whole.So you could say that particular sub -measure there is below target.
but I don't think that impacts the overall measure,
which is looking at really the adoption of the strategic
tools and framework as the below target is looking at some,
well, it's basically beyond the council control.
It's the economic performance from two years ago.
So that's why that is below target,
as it didn't strictly meet our aim there.
But the overall workstream is on target,
hence the green rating.
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:21:13
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:21:28
Is that satisfactory? Thank you, Councillor. If there's no further questions, and we seemto be moving on with greater lack of tea this morning, which is good, we don't need to vote
that is just for noting. So we're going to move on to item nine, which is the performance
9 Performance of Leisure SK Ltd
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:21:53
of Ledger SK Limited. Are you presenting this for us, Debbie? Thank you.Debbie Roberts - 0:22:02
Thank you, Chair. The report before you is broken into three items. So it's not justthe performance. It's performance, business plan and request for budget for the next financial
year. So the recommendations in the report are that you note the update regarding the
of Leisure SK, you endorse the one -year business plan for Leisure SK for next year, and you
recommend a budget of 150 ,000 is proposed for next financial year in order to stabilize
the cash flow of Leisure SK on a temporary basis.
And the reasons for that are in the report, Chair.
But if we could just pick up on the performance at the start.
So it was requested at the last meeting that we provided some data on the leisure centers
so that that is included in the graphs on the attendance.
There's also some updates regarding the COVID levels,
and we have got back to the pre -COVID levels for membership
in Bourne.
And Stanford is quite close as well.
Grantham hasn't recovered.
But as we say in the next paragraph, 1 .16,
there could be a potential for a refurbishment
of Grantham Gym at a later point.
With regards to the business plan,
the business plan is for one year only,
and that's due to us moving to the agency model
from the first of April.
So at the moment, we, as Leisure SK,
we haven't had the new specification,
contract or the new KPIs will be going forward.
So we've just based the business plan on a one -year,
on a like -for -like basis.
We can go into the business plan.
There is an exempt appendices to the business plan, which
is the financial information.
And then there is also the cash flow as well,
which is an exempt item.
If we need to go into closed session for those,
we're happy to answer any questions.
The request for the 150 ,000, I just
want to highlight 1 .30 of the report, the last bullet point,
which is we request $150 ,000 for cash flow.
So under the agency model, the company
will take all the income and expenditure.
And then there's a reconciliation process
with the council.
Obviously, from the 1st of April,
the company will need injection of cash flow
to get us through those first few months.
Just to pick up where we are as well with the cash flow,
you know, it has, it is more, it's moving in the right direction,
as we would like to say. Obviously the information in that,
if we wanted to discuss it further, if we could go into closed session for that.
But we're happy. I support to take any questions that the committee have got.
Thank you.
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:25:14
Thank you, Debbie. I think James would like to say something about declarations of interest.Chairman Murray Turner - 0:25:19
Thank you, Chairman. Just to say, after Debbie has introduced theJames Welbourn - 0:25:23
report, I think it mightbe worth making clear we have got officers and members wearing a couple of hats in some
circumstances and in Matt's case he is wearing one Leisure SK hat, so it probably applies
less to him. It might be worth making clear to the meeting and members of the public which
hat they're wearing at the minute, whether it's Leisure SK or Councillor or Officer,
just for clarity. Thank you, Chairman. It might be also relevant at a certain point
in the meeting that they leave the Chamber, not yet, but at some point during proceedings
that they might wish to leave. Thank you, Chairman.
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:25:54
Thank you, James. If you feel that we are at that point, would you feel free to remindus? Thank you.
James Welbourn - 0:26:00
All I would say on that, I think it's what we usually do when there's Leisure SK papers,particularly when they're asking for a steer or an endorsement. They're here to introduce
the paper answer any questions because they're obviously the only people in that position
to do so. Once their members feel they've got sufficient information from the board
members that's probably the point that they would look to leave normally. Thank you, Chairman.
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:26:24
Thank you very much. Thank you, Debbie. It's very well presented and I'm glad to see theupward figures, the attendance figures are getting higher and we seem to be moving all
forwards and it's good to point out that whilst it wasn't actually required, 150 ,000
is just to keep the boat not rocking so much and it will come back to us in the end and
it was just a discretionary thing that Richard Wiles and Azure SK and the council between
us thought was a good idea.
So, I shouldn't read anything into it like there's going to be further cash demands in
regulation K, because I'm sure that isn't going to happen.
Are there any questions from the committee, please?
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:27:12
Councillor Knight.Chairman Murray Turner - 0:27:14
Thanks.Cllr Gareth Knight - 0:27:18
I have a question in closed session, as an opportunity to go into closed session.About this £150 ,000, can I ask what's been done to explore a simple overdraft facility?
because if that's effectively what it is, would it not make sense to look at an overdraft
facility first or is it simply just too big first year of a new format of a company? Thank
Paul Sam.
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:27:41
Leisure SK Ltd - 0:27:43
Thank you, Chair. We're doing both. So we're looking at me. I'm meeting with the bank nextThursday to explore what the overdraft facility would be and what the cost would be. We know
the cost of taking an overdraft facility from the bank will be more expensive than taking
in a facility from the council, but we still want to explore and give ourselves the flexibility
as a company to be able to deal with that. What we don't know is what level of volatility
there's going to be in cash from the new agency model and that's why we're putting this arrangement
or seeking to put this arrangement in place. Thank you. Does that
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:28:21
satisfy Councillor Knight?Councillor Bailey. Thank you Chairman. In the business plan there
Cllr Matt Bailey - 0:28:28
doesn't seem to bemuch specific reference to the stadium. I think from what I understand it's been grouped
into the Mears Centre generally but if you look at the attendance figures does that include
people using the stadium or not? But I think overall I would like to understand what Lez
something more with the stadium to make it more attractive or attract more people to use it.
I don't see anything in the actual business plan that actually focuses in on that key asset of the council really.
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:29:09
I'm not sure that the leisure centre comes under the remit of this because it isn't a leisure centre.It's a facility that the council hires at. Can we get some guidance on that please?
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:29:23
Any officers help us out with that?If you'd like to speak, Karen.
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:29:28
Yes, thank you, Chair.So in terms of the contract, the stadium is included within the
Karen Whitfield - 0:29:36
Leisure Management contract.So Leisure SK do manage that on the Council's behalf.
Debbie will correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe the attendance figures for Granthamiers
include the stadium.
them. They're probably collected separately. There is a piece of work ongoing in terms
of the council currently looking at negotiations with Grantham Town Football Club, but when
those negotiations are concluded, obviously there is a conversation to have with Leisure
SK about how we can promote the stadium better.
Councillor Bailley.
Thank you, and thanks for the answer there, Karen. I'm just looking for something from
Cllr Matt Bailey - 0:30:16
leisure SK to kind of tell us kind of what the plans are with the stadium.We appreciate Grantham Town, you know,
football club and things that are going on there.
But obviously the facility is not there just for Grantham Town Football Club.
And I would like to kind of understand,
you know,
is there a focus to expand the use of the stadium to include more community
groups, more community sport?
You know,
do we have anything over the next 12 months that we plan to do with the stadium?
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:30:42
Leisure SK Ltd - 0:30:46
There's additional groups that use the stadium and there's work to be done.So we host big school events in the summer, work with different charities.
There's a regular athletics group that use it.
The key negotiation is the negotiation with Grantham Town because once we know what they're
using we then know what's available to hire out and hopefully the least discussions are
progressing well between the football club and the council. Once that's done, then Leisure
SK can step in and look to fill the gaps.
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:31:19
Matt, sorry, when's that anticipated or is it for the council to finish the negotiation?You don't know.
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:31:30
Thank you. Yes, those negotiations over the council to lead on, I'm currently anticipatingKaren Whitfield - 0:31:38
a report coming to the next meeting of this overview of ScrutinyCommunity so there'll be an update at that time. Thank you.
So that's coming to the January meeting then.
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:31:52
Cllr Paul Martin - 0:31:54
Councillor Martin. Thank you. It's a bit of a presumption this, but arethere any facilities which are off -board due to Covid which aren't actually up and running
but they've still got the infrastructure for such as the climbing wall, other than
So that's one question.
One second question is how many GP referral patients do we get for this 12
week fitness program thing that I keep reading about?
Leisure SK Ltd - 0:32:21
So the GP referral, I haven't got the data to hand,but we can get it pretty quickly.
We report on it regularly.
The climbing wall was decommissioned 2021 post COVID.
just the cost of repairs and maintenance far exceeded the expected use and income from it.
Leisure SK Ltd - 0:32:50
Yeah, so the climb wall is still in situ but not used.Thank you. Councillor Jill.
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:32:57
Thank you Mr Chairman. So I have a question about the pink papers, don't worry I'm notgoing to reveal anything commercially sensitive here and obviously I understand why they're
on pink papers because there's a lot of commercially sensitive information on here. But nevertheless
the increase in the National Insurance charge is very much should be considered an outside
pressure of this council and I think I've been asked by several people, several members
to the general public what the impact on leisure SK would be of the changes to the national
insurance provision and I think that number should be in the public domain because it's
not a fault of this council that the rules of national insurance have changed nationally
and therefore I think that the extra national insurance contributions that are irrecoverable
of this council should be in the public domain.
I do have a couple of questions about that,
but I'd like to have permission
to actually ask those questions
ahead of going into public domain.
Because as I said, I don't believe it's part
of the commercial sensitivity,
it's more the economic environment that we're operating in.
Over to you Mr. Chairman.
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:34:10
I'll just take some guidance on that, hold on.Chairman Murray Turner - 0:34:31
Okay, so we can ask questions in theory as long as we don't mention any figures becausewe immediately have to go into closed session and obviously we are going to go to go into
closed session.
Well okay, that rather neuters my question then, so I won't ask the question but I'll
in principle that the changes to national insurance are not the fault of the commercial
activities of Leisure SK, they are a change to the terms of operation implemented by central
government. My questions are about the figures.
We're happy to respond about the national insurance query. We've
Debbie Roberts - 0:35:10
wrapped it up in thefinancial section of the report, just because we'd obviously have to increase our budget
accordingly but we're happy to respond. So just for the record so in isolation
Leisure SK Ltd - 0:35:23
you're absolutely right in isolation those figures are not commerciallysensitive with everything together they become commercially sensitive and we
wouldn't ever present them separately so so that's why they're all collected in
the pink papers. So I think there is an issue with saying what those figures are
I haven't got them immediately in front of me, in a question.
Because in isolation they are not commercially sensitive.
Thank you Paul.
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:35:58
I will come back to you in a second Councillor Gill.Just to say that there aren't any political members of the party that might be responsible
for any changes in national insurance.
So if your question is related to making a political point anti -government, it's pretty
pointless in this room.
But did you want to say something else?
So that's my view as well that in isolation those figures aren't commercially sensitive.
So I'm able to reveal those figures today.
So you're projecting an added cost pressure of £63 ,688 which again is a figure that's just come out of nowhere, it's an added pressure, it's irrecoverable.
I just wanted to understand how many people that relates to, just so that I can understand the accuracy of that figure, how many people that relates to.
But as I said, I think that this council should recognise that that's an added outside pressure
that the Leisure S came to deal with when it's looking at its accounts.
But I just wanted to understand the accuracy of that, because you do in the figures say that this is qualified by being an imprecise figure.
I just wanted to understand that a little bit more. Thank you.
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:37:15
Before you answer that, Richard would like to say something.I just wanted to correct the record, because the reference keeps saying it's irrecoverable,
Richard Wyles - 0:37:22
I'm not sure it's fair to make that judgment because Leisure SK have put together theircash flow projections.
That's a cost that's gone into their cash flow projections but of course they're also
profiling their expenditure against their income projections.
So I haven't seen that level of detail but we can't assume that it's now cost pressure
that's irrecoverable because Leisure SK will have modified their cash flow accordingly
to absorb that new cost into their projections.
Thanks very much for that clarification.
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:37:49
Councillor Gill, one more go and Councillor Newton's way into that.Just to confirm my point about irrecoverability, yes you're right obviously but there's been
no announcement that that will be offset from central government funds so it will be recoverable
in a different manner, yeah, thank you.
So yeah just if I could get some clarification onto as to how accurate that figure is.
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:38:12
Matt Chamberlain.Leisure SK Ltd - 0:38:16
So yeah, so the reason for the note on the accuracy, if Leisure SK was purely salaried,we could 100 % accurately predict and work out exactly what it's going to be.
The salaried cost we can, what we can't do is we don't know how many people over the
next 12 months or from April to March will go into the 5 ,000 to 9 ,000 band.
So for example, there's a lot of staff that sit within that banding and during the summer
we'll have various shifts available and people will pick them up as and when they're available
also universities, students, things like that.
So we're really confident that the figure
isn't gonna be wildly wrong.
We're not gonna be out by thousands,
but it's not an exact science.
So things like all of our full -time salary staff,
we know exactly what it's gonna be.
We just don't know that variable that's in there.
Thank you.
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:39:03
That's a very concise answer.Chairman Murray Turner - 0:39:07
Any further questions that don't relate to,sorry, cancer noon didn't want to speak after all cancer Bailey. Thank you chairman. I've
Cllr Matt Bailey - 0:39:16
got a question around the equipment which is kind of having this on page 25. The firstline says, although the equipment on site is of a good standard we're looking to introduce
etc etc. Now, you know, the definition of good standard when we look at the SWOT analysis,
obviously identifies kind of some kind of as I can't find it. Scrolling the wrong way.
It does identify as the equipment, the weakness is outdated gym equipment at Stanford and
Grantham and I think in 1 .16 and 1 .17 of the actual report it talks about potentially taking
a loan from SK to actually replace the gym equipment at Grantham.
So I'm a bit kind of conflicted here that on one report we say the equipment is a good
standards and then yet we're kind of talking about potentially a you know a
200k loan to replace the gym equipment because it's got to its end of life so
just some clarity in terms of what is the situation with the equipment in the
gyms thank you
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:40:19
Councillor Dennistonthank you I'm a conflict of interest here we're going to talk about fitness
Cllr James Denniston - 0:40:28
equipment due to my full -time job so we are going to talk about that I probablyWe need to leave the room.
Thanks very much.
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:40:40
I think you'd only have an interestif the company was seeking to buy products
Graham Watts - 0:40:47
from your company.If it's just in general,
then I don't think there's an interest to declare.
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:40:54
Thank you, please stay with us, Councillor.Don't miss them.
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:40:59
Would someone from Leisure SK like to answerMatt's general point there, please?
Debbie Roberts - 0:41:03
Yeah, I think we would say that the equipment is good.I think it's about replacing and keeping up
with the newer types of modern fitness classes and equipment.
So it is in a working condition, but it's
about keeping the existing members
and trying to obviously encourage new members.
And to do that, we obviously need
to be constantly on a lifecycle of improving
to kind of keep the current membership levels but then also to attract, as we saw with Bourn
when we did the refurb at the Bourn gym, there was an increase in the membership numbers
from that. Thank you.
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:41:45
Does that answer the question, Councillor Bailey? Thank you. And if £200 ,000 loansare freely available from SKDC, I might be negotiating one myself. Thank you.
Sorry, any further questions?
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:41:59
Councillor Martin.Chairman Murray Turner - 0:42:01
Just a quick one on that 200 ,000.Cllr Paul Martin - 0:42:04
When they refurbed it in 2016 it cost 600 ,000.So I'm just wondering what the difference is.
Leisure SK Ltd - 0:42:15
From what I gather, and I wasn't there in 2016, it included change of use of rooms.So the whole upstairs of Grantham Mears was refurbished including toilets, offices, cycle
studio, dance studio.
This time it will be purely in the gym.
So it's a smaller project.
Thank you Mr Chamberlain.
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:42:37
Councillors, folks.Cllr Paul Stokes - 0:42:42
Just to add to that, that include Remodernate Flume as well.Councillor Knight.
Okay, so everyone's determined,
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:42:50
let's just go into closed session.Cllr Gareth Knight - 0:42:53
On the cost to replace the gym equipment,hopefully before any decision is taken,
a proper assessment will be taken of the market out there.
Obviously, we now have, for example, in Grantham,
we've got Pure Gym now that didn't exist in 2016,
so there are alternative providers out there
that in some cases are cheaper than a Leisure SK membership.
And I think we do need to factor that in,
because if we're going to be spending the best part of half a million pounds, and the
cost will go up, which they always do. If we're going to be spending that amount of
money we need to be absolutely certain that we will be recouping that over the lifetime
of those pieces of equipment, given that the competitive market out there is somewhat different
now to what it was in 2016.
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:43:39
Thank you Councillor Knight, I'm going to go to Richard Wiles and then to Debbie Rylie.Just to clarify the relationship between the Council and the company, this is a company
Richard Wyles - 0:43:45
driven proposal which would have to be backed up with a full business case and full visibilityof the market procurement change that Leisure SK would be looking to utilise if the funding
was made available, but it would be backed by a business case.
Just to come back on your comment, this will be a commercial loan, so there is no favours
being dumped into two organisations.
It will be on a proper commercial footing, but will be backed by evidence to validate
the request and make sure the council money is being put to good use.
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:44:17
Thank you. Thanks very much for the clarification. I'm going to go to Debbie first and thenDebbie Roberts - 0:44:24
Councillor Bailey. Richard's just covered it so I was just about to say obviously thecompany would provide the council with a full business case for any proposal and obviously
it would be a loan arrangement so there would be repayment terms obviously. Thank you very
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:44:39
much Councillor Bailey. Just on the approval process for that obviously it's a considerableCllr Matt Bailey - 0:44:42
amount of money. Who approves that? Is it something that the officers do themselvesor will it come to cultural measure? Will it go to finance? Just so I don't understand
who actually will say, yeah, that's a great idea. Thank you, Jeremy.
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:44:57
Richard Wyles - 0:44:59
It depends on the financial threshold as to what the request is. If it's over 150 ,000,it would ultimately be a council decision so it would go to cabinet as the first proposal
and they would recommend a modification to the budget framework to accommodate the loan.
depends on the threshold because the financial regulations stipulate the different paths
to the decision depending on the amount that's being requested.
Thank you.
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:45:21
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:45:24
Councillor Knowles and then Councillor Martin.Just an observation.
Cllr Phillip Knowles - 0:45:28
The subject of LeisureSK will arise over the next few weeks in five differentscrutiny meetings or governance meetings and this would not be the case for a
standalone company even if it was being financed. The finance is different and I do
appreciate that and I appreciate that requires different governance but it
will go to five different bodies at various times and they'll all have their say and there'll be
different people there. So pretty well everybody in the council will have a bash at it before.
There's an element here, and I'm sorry there's only an element here, of a business trying to
work its way forward, having been imposed upon themselves because of COVID, and then trying to
a living out of it or trying to make a business that serves the community as well as makes
a financial sense.
But with a sense really that it has not just one hand but three hands tied behind their
back at all times because the governance structure, as I've said before, is very, very, very complicated
It is far more difficult than a stand -alone company would normally have to live with.
Many stand -alone companies would deal with a bank and justify their decisions and we
understand that completely.
It is a different way of financing a business and governing a business but it is an extremely
complicated way of looking at all the things it has to do.
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:47:20
I'm going to come to you Councillor Martin but first I believe Richard Wallace wantshis comment.
Richard Wyles - 0:47:25
I just feel compelled to put a response back which is the difference being this is taxpayermoney that's funding this organisation so it's right and proper that the right governance
and transparency is put upon this arrangement between the council and a company.
We all understand it's a company but it's the taxpayer that's been asked to fund elements
of their activity so it's right and proper there's full transparency around that.
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:47:49
From a parochial point of view, if it is reduced, the number of committees to which they doreport, I'd hope that the bulk of the questions remain with Leisure and Culture OSC.
Councillor Martin.
Thank you.
Just a quick one.
Cllr Paul Martin - 0:48:06
With the district growing so quickly, lots of new housing and such, surely there'sS106 money, new money, which is destined for leisure services.
I was just wondering if that's something I don't really see any reference to that new pot of cash that should be
Coming forward to the leisure centers or is maintenance
I just think it'd be interesting to know what's there and what's coming
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:48:33
I'm not qualified to answer that Debbie. You've got your hand upDebbie Roberts - 0:48:37
I'm not either but obviously the section 106 money will be for the council rather than the company. So I think that would beFor the council to do a council decision on how it spends the section 106 money, not
the companies.
Thank you.
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:48:53
Councillor Nighy.Cllr Gareth Knight - 0:48:57
Just on Councillor Knowles' point, this came up just before the summer about the complicationsof being able to scrutinise Leisure SK and I know that Councillor Baxter, your predecessor
as the chair of this committee and I think every member of the committee has had some
sort of discussion about should there be some form
of subcommittee, should the old companies committee
be brought back to specifically look at leisure SK.
There were various different things discussed.
And I don't think there was really an easy answer.
But I do think that if the leader and Council
of Knowledge could probably put their heads together,
because it's not just a case of clarity for us
in terms of asking questions.
I mean this is the second meeting this week
that we've had, you've been in the same meeting
that I was in where this has come up.
but it's also to the benefit of Leisure SK as well.
I think that if they can just go to
effectively two meetings, governance and audit,
and the one scrutiny body that deals with them.
In my view, that should be this one primarily,
and that was why I suggested a subcommittee
of this committee would make more sense.
I think Councillor Baxter suggested more of a,
I can't remember what it was you suggested,
but you didn't agree with me on that point.
But there was another suggestion
that the old company's committee be looked at.
I think it would be beneficial if we could figure that out.
Because it does seem a bit insane that we've got the same people
turning up three or four times a week to be asked the same questions.
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:50:17
I'm aware that Richard and Karen want to speak.I think that the reason we didn't go for that subcommittee
Karen Whitfield - 0:50:24
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:50:25
was because we realised that everyone who were on itwere already on the committee already.
So it would be counterproductive, so that's why we kept it in.
Thank you, Chair, and thank you, Councillor Knight. So as part of the move to the agency
arrangements, we are looking at the governance routes and a potentially more informal route
Karen Whitfield - 0:50:49
and maybe a better way of reporting that to scrutiny. So we're going to look at all thatas part of the move to the agency arrangements. In terms of the committees, the main stay,
the main meaty topics are discussed at Culture and Leisure quite rightly because it's within
the constitution, that that all sits.
It also sits within the articles of association that the council's responsible for hiring
and firing directors, and that's currently done by governance and audit committee.
I think the rest of the committees are through the normal budget setting process, so as far
as I'm aware, there's the two main committees that have an interest in the business of leisure
Thank you, Karen and Richard.
Just really, I think because we're in this part of the cycle of the Council, it may feel
Richard Wyles - 0:51:38
slightly heavy -handed, the conversations that will be had about Leisure Escave. As Karensaid, that's predominantly because we're going through the budget setting phase, and if there's
a request for funding, which there appears to be from Leisure Escave, then obviously
it's going to be an integral part of the budget proposals. Therefore, this theme request will
feature on a number of reports over this period, but that is purely simply because we're in
in February, then, as Karen said, resort back to the scrutiny being on the table by this
committee under the arrangements we have at the moment.
Thank you, Richard.
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:52:11
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:52:17
Are there any further questions or should we go into a closed session now?Chairman Murray Turner - 0:52:33
Exclusion of the public and press.We need to vote on it.
And James wants to speak.
Sorry to interrupt you, Chairman.
James Welbourn - 0:52:43
It's just whether the committee wants to go into private session.The only need to go into exempt session is if you want to interrogate the figures that
are in there.
If you do, then please carry on and ignore me.
If you don't, then there's no need
to go into private session.
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:52:57
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:53:02
Right, someone would like to proposethat we go into private session, Councillor Bailey,
seconded by Councillor Knight.
All those in favour?
That's carried, then we will be going into private session.
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:53:21
Okay, under section 100A4 of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public may be excludedfrom the meeting during any listed items of business on the grounds that they were to
be present.
Exempt information could be disclosed to them as defined in the relevant paragraphs of schedule
12A of the Act.
Thank you.
So, could I ask the affected people
Are they here?
9 Performance of Leisure SK Ltd
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:53:47
I think it was officers that left, Chairman, but I don't believe they're returning.James Welbourn - 0:53:53
Only the Leisure SK officers and Councillor Knowles, who obviously, once you've takenany decision, will come back in.
Thank you.
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:54:02
Could we have a proposer to accept the performance of Leisure SK Limited?Yeah, I'm going to read the recommendations out because it's much more professional.
The committee notes the update regarding the performance of Leisure SK Limited, endorses
the business plan for Leisure SK Limited for one year, 25 -26, and point 3 recommends that
a budget of 150 ,000 is proposed for 25 -26 in order to stabilise the cash flow of Leisure
SK on a temporary basis.
So could we have a proposer for that please?
Councillor Neill, a seconder?
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:54:45
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:54:46
I'm narrowly on the draw, Councillor Ledenham.Chairman Murray Turner - 0:54:49
And all those in favour?That's unanimous, thank you very much.
10 Work Programme 2024 - 25
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:54:59
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:55:07
Thank you, James is going to get the LeisureS .K. Representatives back in the room.
Thanks for coming back Paul just to say that the vote were passed you know.
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:56:05
You'd honestly voted in favour, I should clarify.Chairman Murray Turner - 0:56:17
Thanks very much for not bringing me a coffee.Oh yeah, that's right.
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:56:25
Right, thanks very much everyone.We're going to move on to item 10,
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:56:40
which is the work program.So on the plans for January we've got so far a markets update and grant from town FC so
we've only got room for some other items. Councillor Bailey. Just on that the markets
update I think something that Councillor Harris had mentioned in
Cllr Matt Bailey - 0:57:24
finance if I rememberabout kind of our usage of our stalls I'm sure he said that we were kind of
running out stalls at Grantham if I'm correct so I'd be interested as part of
that update to actually look at kind of how we're getting on with kind of you
know do we need to buy some more you know I don't want to kind of stump the
growth of the market in Grantham because we've run out of stalls so yeah just
kind of if there is kind of a way in that report that we could just kind of
understand how over that last six months year, the increase in stalls has progressed and
if there is a problem on the horizon, if we can try and figure out how we can perhaps
fill that problem. Thank you, Chair.
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:58:10
Thank you, Councillor Bailey. Councillor Stokes wanted to speak as well.Yes, that can be included in that report quite readily and it does reflect the significant
Cllr Paul Stokes - 0:58:26
way the progress of the mark is going.Councillor Baxter.
Cllr Ashley Baxter - 0:58:41
Yes, I recently went to see the Union Street Gallery which is part of I think Grumpf creativeThey are a CIC, a community interest company, promoting art, particularly in Grantham.
They would like to invite the committee to go and have a look.
So it's not happening at a meeting, but would it be possible for you, Chair, to lead a field trip down to Union Street Gallery
with a view to a wider discussion about art in the community they are planning
to put some art beyond the Union Street Company which is just down by, is it
Lidl or Aldi, I never know the difference. So some of the empty shops in town
they're putting art into the windows so that instead of seeing an empty shop you
see an artistic window. It's really exciting so I'd really encourage you to
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:59:41
to do that. Sounds like a great idea. I think we should do that. Could you add that? ThanksChairman Murray Turner - 0:59:48
Chairman Murray Turner - 0:59:51
Amy. Councillor Stokes. Yeah I think there's an invite to go round the leisure centresCllr Paul Stokes - 0:59:56
on the 16th of December. Meeting of the beers at nine o 'clock for any member who can makeChairman Murray Turner - 1:00:14
Cllr Ashley Baxter - 1:00:31
committee it might be a time to start looking at the art centres and how that whole thingworks because similar to leisure centres it's not there to make a profit, it is there to
educate the masses so to speak but you might want to have a sort of deep dive or shallow
dive into the art centres and what they have in their programmes and whether or not it
can be improved.
Chairman Murray Turner - 1:01:05
Thank you Councillor Baxter. We certainly do need to add that to either the Januaryor March agendas. Councillor Knight.
Yeah when we had the tour, I think it was only really me and Councillor Fellows that
Cllr Gareth Knight - 1:01:16
did it for the whole duration. It really was a really good day actually, particularly seeingin how the team worked down in Stanford coordinating all the different things.
It is really, really quite impressive.
And like I said, if you were to actually get away from some of the maintenance
issues on these art centres, they'd actually be pretty much breaking even.
And I remember being told that if they put an Abba tribute band on in the Guild
Hall every night, they'd actually make an enormous profit.
But so, you know, there's a balance to be struck.
Back on the work program,
On the future vision of Grantham Market, honestly, again, we've got another future vision of Grantham
Market's thing to come up. We've had so many future visions of Grantham Market's, it drives
us nuts. Sports clubs in the district, given that the next committee is only like six weeks
away, so our shortest turnaround in many meetings, can we try and get something on sports clubs in
the general meeting. I've been asking for ages. I would hope so as I also want that
on the agenda. And the play areas strategy, I think, Councillor Baxter, I only half remember
this because I missed that meeting, but I think Councillor Baxter said he wanted to
actually broaden the scope of the play area strategy a little bit from what I remember,
but I wasn't at that meeting, but everyone's nodding their heads. I think it were me.
Chairman Murray Turner - 1:02:49
Chairman Murray Turner - 1:02:53
But yeah, Councillor Ledner and I are meeting at 2pm to hopefully move the sports thingon a little. But I hope that following our conversations we can bring something back
to the agenda for the January meeting. If possible but if not March.
Chairman Murray Turner - 1:03:15
Councillor Baxter. If it was my idea then it sounds like a greatCllr Ashley Baxter - 1:03:19
idea, but can you be clear about, it's still a great idea, can you be clear about whatyou, are you talking about play areas which are not controlled or run managed by SKDC?
If I remember rightly it was about creating a network of play areas across, including
the parish councils and the town councils and so on.
Or are you talking about something else?
That is exactly what I was talking about Councillor Baxter.
Chairman Murray Turner - 1:03:51
So what I would like to do, just to explain it again, is establish who runs all the otherplay areas in South Kastevan and invite them into an informal body or formal if they like
in partnership with SKDC in not only a best common practice exercise but also an attempt
to reduce the overall cost of maintenance to play areas because probably most people in this room
like myself are a parish counsellor as well and we run our own facility and we have to pay for it
cost a lot of money but these big providers seem to pick off small parish
councils and charge them a lot of money for doing not much work whereas if they
were in a bigger framework we could get some better value and provide better
play areas for the whole of South Christopheran who worked hard at it
that's what I'm thinking. Karen would like to say something.
Thank you, I think I understand what you're saying but I think that needs scoping out.
We need to remember that the play area strategy was considered by this
Karen Whitfield - 1:05:00
committee, recommendedfor adoption as now being formally adopted, and that concentrates on the 38 areas that
the council currently maintains.
So if we're looking at redoing that, we just need to be clear what that scope is, because
from the conversation we've had today, I'm not really sure what that is.
Councillor Knight, and then I'll answer that.
From what I remember from watching it, I think that Councillor Baxter was saying that with
the play area strategy much of the conversation was not actually about the play area strategy.
Cllr Gareth Knight - 1:05:28
We're venturing into the realms of a play strategy for the district. And I think thatwhat so you take the player strategy you can't take what Councilor has just said, put it
all together then you come up with a play strategy. Is that it does that ring a bell
Councilor Baxter. Right, so I'm not, I'm not going crazy here. This is right.
Chairman Murray Turner - 1:05:55
Thank you. I wasn't seeking to amend the current recently successfully adopted play area strategy.Rather now we have got it in place we can add to it and enhance the district in that way.
That's what I'm trying to say.
Any other items we should add to the work program?
Chairman Murray Turner - 1:06:13
Chairman Murray Turner - 1:06:21
Cllr Vice-Chairman Barry Dobson - 1:06:24
I was looking at the sports and physical activity update. Is that early enough to plan anythingthat we have going on for next summer? I'm assuming that there are lots of activities
that we want coming down the line for summer and do you think that's going to be enough
time to get that sorted? Thank you.
Thank you, Councillor Dobson. So this is a six monthly review. So it only came to committee
Karen Whitfield - 1:06:56
three months ago, so we do it twice a year. And it's actually a review of the strategy,so it's recently been updated alongside that Sixen Action Plan. And it's just to give members
assurance that there's ongoing improvement and adherence to that action plan. So I prefer
it to stay on the 25th of March if that's okay.
Chairman Murray Turner - 1:07:28
No? Okay. Looks like we've got a full programme ahead then and we're all set for the nextmeeting in January. This is a very effective committee. There's lots of stars on it. Thanks
very much for coming. I appreciate all your hard work and your interest in what we do.
Unless anyone's got any other business, I'm hoping not, then we're going to close the
meeting at 12. I'm going to say 08 because both the clocks are a little bit fast.
- Minutes of the meeting held on 3 September 2024 AM, opens in new tab
- Minutes of the meeting held on 3 September 2024 PM, opens in new tab
- Action Sheet Culture OSC, opens in new tab
- Cultural Strategy 6 monthly Update, opens in new tab
- Appendix 1 _ SKDC_Autumn_Healthcheck_2024-2025, opens in new tab
- Appendix 2 - report outlining the results of the consultation on arts and cultural opportunities July 2024 FINAL (003), opens in new tab
- Corporate Plan 2024-27 Key Performance Indicators: 2024/25 Mid-Year (Q2) Report, opens in new tab
- Appendix A – Corporate Plan 2024-27 KPI Report: Culture & Leisure OSC Mid-Year (Q2) 2024/25, opens in new tab
- Report - Leisure SK Ltd 2025-26, opens in new tab
- Appendix 1 -LeisureSK Business Plan 25-26, opens in new tab
- Culture OSC Work Programme 2023-24, opens in new tab